domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

This Scent

Some things change every second
Some others will never change
Some things worth fighting for
Some others just deserve to be abandoned.

At this dark our I have much of all of it
A lot of the essence of past days still remains, but
Across the hole room there are pieces
A woman's scent

One wonderful perfume, from the future
Only a piece is enough to make me travel far away
Occasional shiver in my back
Oh God... I Want it

Why do I want it?
Where is it?
Who is she? the owner of such a scent
Where can I find her?

Come to me, don't leave me here
Captive of this without knowing you
Come, be mine
Call my name, if you know it

Be mine
Be only mine
Become this scent my air to breathe
Be that thing that worth fighting for

Hear me
Here I call you
Hunt me no more
Hold me in your embrace for eternity

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